HelpDesk: Your Intelligent eCommerce Assistant

HelpDesk solves case management, catalog, and ticketing problems through a combination of software automation and expertise. HelpDesk automates mundane catalog updates and operations management tasks to empower you with control over your e-commerce business. It can save up to 85% of human hours and minimize errors by utilizing a decision tree of best practices.

How it works

HelpDesk provides an automated software stack including browser automation, API integration and web application to help with suppressed items, variation requests, setting up new items, and product detail page content updates.


Items become ineligible for sale if there are back-end details that are suspected to be incorrect. HelpDesk quickly identifies and fixes inaccurate data, automatically following the required steps to reinstate the items, ensuring no sale is missed!


Product groupings bring a seamless shopping experience for customers to find the exact product they are looking for. Nuanced product variations are time-consuming to set up and difficult to maintain as they can be broken apart without notifying the brand owners. HelpDesk uses automation to group products together based on your business’ demand for improved customer engagement.

New Item Setup

Creating new items to sell online is nuanced based on product types and categories. HelpDesk aids the set up of an item and eliminates the possibility of error in the requests by automating the correct request type through browser automation.

Update Product Content

Online search algorithms can affect the search relevance of a product when its details such as titles and bullet points are adjusted. Sometimes, these details are changed without informing the brand. HelpDesk offers a hassle-free tool to help update, upload, and edit product copy and images, maintaining  the item visibility on the site. 

Interested in Cutting Out Mundanity?

Meet Our Team

Justin Leigh


Jesse Wright

Principal Engineer

Chris Brugos

Brandon Builes

Eric Grechko

Software Engineer

Mike Enyart

Catalog Manager

Lainie Sipiora

VP of Client Services

VP of Operations

Operations and Case Manager